We are future proofing. Planning and building solutions for today and tomorrow because The City Beautiful must remain beautiful for generations to come.
Cities of the future will face a variety of challenges–changing climate, growing population, threats to public health, and reduction of natural resources. But these cities also face many opportunities, including the ability to redesign and transform urban environments to take advantage of human innovation, to live more sustainably, to be healthier and live better lives, to be resilient, and to make lasting investments in energy, transportation, and green buildings.
Orlando is becoming one of the greenest cities in America by focusing its priorities toward fostering a culture of sustainability throughout the community. The City understands that the built environment has a profound impact on natural resources, economy, health, and productivity. DTO’s commitment to the principles of sustainability will generate economic growth, create equitable access to health-improving services for the entire community and enhancing quality of life for this generation and each one that follows.
Health and wellness are prominent in a vital and sustainable DTO. With two major medical institutions located on the northern and southern edges of downtown Orlando, and the emerging Creative Village, there is a tangible economic and social benefit to the community and region. Whether through access to medical services, training in health-related life and job skills, affordable and available healthy foods, or places to exercise and play, wellness is central to DTO’s future success.
DTO will be the region’s leader in improving the health and resiliency of a city to impact the lives of its citizens. For that to happen, it must remain an open and inclusive place for people of all backgrounds and cultures to interact, engage, and lead. In government, business, and social activities, DTO’s strength is from the inclusive way in which people engage in dialogue and connect to each other. We will continue to break down barriers so that collaboration and partnerships will thrive and produce a prosperous future for us all.
We will be a city built for the future by:
- Using resources wisely and cultivating a culture of environmental stewardship.
- Increasing access to healthy, locally grown foods.
- Fostering inclusive and open pathways to leadership and opportunity today and for future generations.
- Expanding the opportunities for safe bicycle and pedestrian travel and providing equitable access to health-improving opportunities. In doing these things, we will become the healthiest and greenest city in the country.
- Reducing the built environment’s impact on air and water natural resources and becoming more resilient through our measured use of resources, capital infrastructure, and technology.
- Providing more transportation options and a variety of accessible parks and playgrounds to improve both physical and mental health.
View the entire Project DTO Vision Plan