
A downtown is the heart of THE city and the region.

Thriving downtowns foster a strong sense of community by connecting people and fostering innovation, creativity, and cultural enrichment. They bring us joy. They have character, blending history with a sense of what’s new, exciting, and eclectic and enable diverse people to interact, share ideas, and achieve dreams. They are livable places with great green spaces, cultural amenities, and diverse retail and restaurant options. These factors contribute to a city’s quality of life and therefore drive market demand for the experiences of these places, which in turn enhances real estate values and economic vitality.




Project DTO builds on work completed in collaboration with you:

Setting the table for the future:

Project DTO Vision Plan

Developed in 2014 and 2015 with input from 6,600+ Orlandoans, the vision plan set the direction for the next decade of downtown Orlando’s transformation, one that would connect people and inspire creativity while fortifying the economic competitiveness of the area. Orlandoans were asked to “be bold” and “focus on what gives the city its heart.” Combined, the input established four pillars, ten themes, and hundreds of ideas.

The Four Pillars

Strengthen downtown Orlando’s economic competitiveness in the international and national marketplace

Enhance its livability as a safe and welcoming urban city center

Intuitively integrate health and wellness into our daily life

Ensure sustainability of downtown’s assets for generations to come

a thriving downtown

For downtown’s long-term success, we must prioritize our future as a thriving downtown – a vibrant, walkable, economically viable, cultural destination for Orlandoans.