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Browse these frequently asked questions to discover more about the who, what, and why behind Project DTO 2.0.
For media inquiries, please reach out to City of Orlando team members Cassandra Bell, Press Secretary, or Ashley Papagni, Public Information Officer. Or contact us here on the website.
Project DTO (Downtown Orlando) was a comprehensive visioning process launched in 2014 by the Community Redevelopment Agency and was focused on advancing downtown Orlando. It resulted in the creation of two vital plans: the DTO Vision Plan and DTOutlook, the updated downtown Orlando Community Redevelopment Area Plan. Together, these plans charted the vision for Downtown Orlando’s future and identified fundamental big ideas expressed by the community. Recommendations from Project DTO spanned a wide array of ideas and initiatives that included: improving bicycle and pedestrian amenities, increasing parks and open space, recruiting major corporate anchors and high-wage jobs, expanding neighborhood associations and housing options, and encouraging architecture that creates a signature skyline in our downtown.
Explore both plans: DTO Vision Plan, DTOutlook
Converting the vision established with Project DTO into reality requires a data-driven action plan. Project DTO 2.0 launched in early 2022 and builds upon Project DTO’s earlier visioning work by creating an action oriented master plan for Downtown Orlando that focuses on streets, civic spaces, mobility options, and districts and neighborhoods — each of these systems that contribute to our experiences in Downtown. Master planning Downtown Orlando will involve several phases conducted throughout the year, beginning with a Walkable City Audit to analyze the state of Downtown today.
Project DTO 2.0 started in early 2022 and will continue throughout the year. Explore the project timeline which culminates in the creation of the action plan for implementing the strategies and concepts that will be identified throughout the course of the project.
Meet the team bringing Project DTO 2.0 to life.
This team was selected through a public selection process. The Request for Qualifications was shared publicly on June 1, 2020 with qualifications due on July 1, 2020. Nineteen teams submitted qualifications. Each submission was reviewed and five teams were shortlisted to submit a proposal and interview with City/CRA/DDB staff. On March 10, 2021, our Project DTO 2.0 team was selected. Since that selection, City/CRA/DDB staff have been working with the team to develop the scope, schedule, and process to develop Project DTO 2.0.